Offering Legal Assistance for Traffic Matters in Ballarat

  • 15+ Years of Criminal Law Experience
  • Representation in Local Courts
  • Obligation-Free Consultation
  • Traffic & DUI Defence Services
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Traffic Matters

Welcome to our page dedicated to providing essential information and legal assistance for individuals dealing with traffic and driving matters in Victoria, Australia, including Ballarat, Ararat, Bacchus Marsh and more.

Whether you're facing traffic offences, licence suspensions or other driving-related issues, our team of knowledgeable legal professionals is here to help you understand your rights, navigate the legal process and achieve the best possible outcome for your case.

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What is a Traffic Offence?

Traffic offences in Victoria encompass a wide range of violations, from minor infractions such as speeding and running red lights to more serious offences like driving under the influence (DUI) and dangerous driving.

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Our Services


Our team of traffic law solicitors provides legal advice and representation for individuals facing traffic offences and driving-related legal matters in Victoria.

We will assess the circumstances of your case, explain your rights and options, and develop a strategic defence strategy to achieve the best possible outcome.


If your case proceeds to court, our solicitors will represent you in all legal proceedings, including hearings, trials and appeals.

We have extensive experience advocating for clients in Victorian courts and will work tirelessly to protect your rights and achieve a favourable outcome in your case.


If your driver's licence has been suspended or revoked, we can assist you in preparing and lodging an appeal with the relevant authorities.

Our solicitors will present compelling arguments and evidence to support your case and help you regain your driving privileges.

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Types of Traffic Offences

These are just some of the many types of traffic matters individuals may encounter in Victoria. Each offence carries its own set of penalties and consequences, and it's essential to seek legal advice if you find yourself facing any traffic-related legal issues.


Speeding is one of the most common traffic offences and occurs when a driver exceeds the posted speed limit.

Penalties for speeding can vary depending on the severity of the offence and the speed at which the driver was travelling.


Careless driving, also known as reckless driving or dangerous driving, involves operating a vehicle in a manner that endangers the safety of others.

This may include behaviours such as aggressive driving, tailgating or distracted driving.


Failing to stop at a red light or stop sign is a serious traffic violation that can result in fines, demerit points and increased insurance premiums.

It poses a significant risk to both drivers and pedestrians, and can lead to accidents and injuries.


DUI, or driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, is a criminal offence in Victoria. It carries severe penalties, including fines, licence suspension or revocation, and imprisonment.

Police may conduct random breath tests or roadside drug tests to detect impaired drivers.


Driving while your licence is suspended or disqualified is a serious offence in Victoria and can result in significant penalties, including fines, further licence suspension or revocation, and even imprisonment.


Operating a motor vehicle without a valid driver's licence is illegal and can result in fines and other penalties.

This offence may occur if a driver fails to renew their licence, has it suspended or revoked, or never obtained a licence in the first place.


Using a mobile phone while driving, including texting, calling or browsing the internet, is prohibited in Victoria.

This offence is taken seriously due to the significant distraction it poses to drivers and the increased risk of accidents.


Failing to wear a seatbelt while driving or riding in a motor vehicle is a traffic offence in Victoria.

Seatbelts are essential safety devices designed to reduce the risk of injury or death in the event of a collision. Penalties for not wearing a seatbelt may include fines and demerit points.


Leaving the scene of an accident without stopping to provide assistance or exchanging information with the other parties involved is a criminal offence in Victoria.

Hit and run accidents can result in severe penalties, especially if there are injuries or fatalities.


Operating a vehicle that is unregistered or unroadworthy is a traffic offence in Victoria.

Vehicles must be registered with the appropriate authorities and meet safety standards to be legally driven on public roads. Failure to comply can result in fines and penalties.

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • How are penalties for speeding determined?

    Penalties for speeding in Victoria depend on the severity of the offence, which is typically measured by how much the driver exceeded the posted speed limit. Fines, demerit points and even licence suspensions can be imposed based on the level of speeding and the driver's history of traffic offences.

  • What happens if I am caught driving under the influence (DUI)?

    Driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol or drugs is a serious criminal offence in Victoria. Penalties for DUI can include substantial fines, licence suspension or revocation, and imprisonment. Law enforcement conducts random breath tests and roadside drug tests to identify and charge impaired drivers.

  • What should I do if my driver’s licence is suspended or revoked?

    If your driver’s licence is suspended or revoked, you have the right to appeal the decision. The appeal process involves presenting your case to the relevant authorities, often with the support of legal representation. Successfully appealing the suspension or revocation can restore your driving privileges, depending on the circumstances and evidence provided.

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